Miracles in Slow Motion

Some things are worth the wait ...

There may be large mountains of difficulties in regard to how to meet the claims of God and not stand in defiance of the laws of the land.

God Doesn’t Make Junk.

The Lord is disappointed when His people place a low estimate upon themselves. He desires His chosen heritage to value themselves according to the price He has placed upon them. God wanted them, else He would not have sent His… Continue Reading →

Let us value what God esteems … Our value is in proportion to our alliance to God.

How Much Are You Worth?

When something is valuable, we are ultimately giving it a price tag. Usually this price tag is based on perhaps it’s usefulness or functionality. Perhaps whether it is in fashion or trending at the moment, how common or rare it… Continue Reading →

The Power of Family Worship

The hour of prayer should not be neglected for any consideration…. At an early hour of the evening, when you can pray unhurriedly and understandingly, present your supplication, and raise your voices in happy, grateful praise. Let all who visit… Continue Reading →

The education that brings the student into close relation with the Teacher sent from God, is true education.

How to Survive Homeschooling

Homeschooling can be overwhelming. If you’re doing the country-living-thing on a farm, there’s already so much going on. So many things that need to be done. And so much to distract. Things that crop up like a burst water pipe,… Continue Reading →

Read your Bible, Pray Everyday

Parents need to reform; ministers need to reform; they need God in their households. If they would see a different state of things, they must bring His Word into their families and must make it their counselor. They must teach… Continue Reading →

The children and youth must have a true copy in right-doing if they succeed in overcoming sin and perfecting a Christian character. This copy they should find in the lives of their parents.

Mommy’s Toolbox!

Let’s say you were about to embark on a camping adventure to a camping spot you hadn’t been to before. Before you left, I’m sure you would get all your camping gear ready, make a quick meal plan and grab… Continue Reading →

Study the Bible in Family Worship

The Bible is a guide in the management of children. Here, if parents desire, they may find a course marked out for the education and training of their children, that they may make no blunders…. When this Guidebook is followed,… Continue Reading →

Bear in mind that your children belong to God and are to become His sons and daughters.

Sonlight Family Bible Lessons – Our Experience!

I have mentioned before that the Sonlight Family Bible Lessons are absolutely amazing. There’s something special about teaching others – you, as the teacher, end up learning more than your students do! And when the subjects you are teaching are… Continue Reading →

A Human Flower

A fresh little bud in my garden, With petals close folded from view, Brightly nods me a cheery “Good morning,” Through the drops of a fresh bath of dew. I must patiently wait its unfolding, Tho’ I long its full… Continue Reading →

But if the mother unswervingly adheres to right principles, if she is temperate and self-denying, if she is kind, gentle, and unselfish, she may give her child these same precious traits of character.

Held in Trust

There is nothing more important than being a mother. No job, no career, no ministry, no opportunity, no privilege, no calling, no church responsibility, no project at home. Nothing. Nothing is as important as true parenthood. And, how seriously you… Continue Reading →

Do You Connect With Your Children Enough?

Parents should encourage their children to confide in them and unburden to them their heart griefs, their daily little annoyances and trials. If they do this, the parents can learn to sympathize with their children, and pray for them and… Continue Reading →

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men

12 Ways to Make Work More Meaningful for your Kids

One of the best lifeskills that we can teach our kids is to be useful, commendable workers. But, let’s be honest, kids would rather play than work. So how do we go about this? Jenny shares with us 12 ways… Continue Reading →

Peace in the Home … Peace in the Church

The father is the priest of the family. The souls of his wife and children, as God’s property, should be to him of the highest value, and he should faithfully guide the formation of their characters. The care of his… Continue Reading →

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